FAQ, Registration, Contact

Registration is now closed
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Roundup

Info & Frequently asked questions:

  1. Event registration is $110 per person.
  2. Cancellations will be accepted until 1 month before the event date.
  3. Each registrant will receive a t-shirt, a name-tag, and a goodie bag.
  4. Payments will be processed on RegFox via WebConnex/WePay, transaction fees non-refundable.
  5. There will be a cash-bar at the banquet event.
  6. Each attendee will be required to sign a liability waiver to participate in each fun run.
  7. Attendees are responsible for their own vehicle insurance and making sure it is up to date.
  8. Mind your manners, respect local authorities, respect event hosts, etc. The host club reserves the right to ask attendees to leave. Disparaging remarks about attendees cars will not be tolerated.
  9. Hand sanitizer and masks will be readily available.
  10. If you feel unwell please use your best judgement and precautions, isolate, and get tested.
  11. Roadside assistance will be available from a local tow service. Contact info will be provided.
  12. Douglass Mazda will be available to perform any repairs should an attendee vehicles need service. Contact info is as follows:
    3100 Briarcrest Dr Suite 5, Bryan, TX 77802
    (979) 589-8218
  13. COVID 19 advisory: Attendees of the 2022 Texas Miata Roundup assumes the risk associated with exposure to other human beings and/or animals for the spread of illness or disease, including, but not limited to germs, viruses, bacteria or other infective or illness causing agents and shall indemnify, defend and hold Houston Miata Club, Brazos Center, catering contractors and host hotels harmless for any such exposure. All attendees agree to comply with TAMU coronavirus protocols in effect on the date of the event as set forth at: http:www.tamu.edu/coronavirus/index.html

Event contact:

Freddy Riggs, Houston Miata Club president

Email: president@houstonmiataclub.com